1- Head of wtfBellingham


Ata Berdyev (@berdyev) is the Head of wtfBellingham, where he oversees all functions of the business including engineering, product and operations. A designer at heart, Ata is known for balancing sharp design thinking with thoughtful product strategy to create experiences that bring people together and encourage authentic communication.

Ata has been developing websites, apps and et cetera for more than seven years. Initially, his journey started as a freelancer who specialized in custom plugins and debugging for the Social Engine back in 2011. Later, Ata has gained knowledge in C++/C# and began creating open source software for Rust, DayZ and many other games. Ata's most known work has been done in the gaming industry, at the [bc]Interactive where he acted as a Lead Developer, who created many PC and VR video games.

Born and raised in Moscow, Russia, he now resides in Bellingham and runs multiple projects for the residents of Whatcom and Skagit counties.


2- What's the "wtfBellingham"?


In a nutshell, wtfBellingham is a photo sharing app which allows users to assign filters to photos and share them with followers. Initially, wtfBellingham's journey started in August of 2017 as a private (closed) group on Facebook. Since then, group has gained popularity in Bellingham and surrounding areas. The main issue group had (and has) is with strict Community Guidelines, provided by Facebook, which indefinitely censores users freedom of speech and distributes massive bans over a hundreds of users. 

wtfBellingham is 100% against any sort of censorship, and feels like everyone has a right to say whatever they want (as long as it's within legal boundaries). Hence why it's been decided to create it's own platform, for users to share whatever-the-fuck they want, when-ever-the-fuck they want. This is indeed, an ultimate shit-posting website for Bellingham residents. 


3- Update-Log

Update from: August 12th, 2019

[Implemented] Facebook Social Login System

Update from: July 11th, 2019

[Implemented] Comment liking system.
[Implemented] Reply to comment system.
[Implemented] User affiliate system.
[Implemented] Ability to pause story when clicked onto it.
[Implemented] Users advertisement system.
[Implemented] User-pro system (plus unique pro-user profile layout).
[Implemented] Fundraisers system for users.
[Implemented] Ability to upgrade to Business profile.
[Implemented] Follow requests on private profiles.